AI Summit

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

18th April 2023

Sam Altman: CEO of OpenAI


Jerome Pesanti: VP of AI at Meta


Serkan Piantino: VP of Product at Reddit


Sam Altman: CEO of OpenAI 〰️ Jerome Pesanti: VP of AI at Meta 〰️ Serkan Piantino: VP of Product at Reddit 〰️

Atlantico’s AI Summit will explore the new paradigm change brought about by Artificial intelligence with the key operators and thought leaders in the space.

Key Note Speakers

Entrepreneur, investor, and programmer. The CEO of OpenAI and former president of Y Combinator and CEO of Reddit.

Sam Altman

VP of AI at Meta, formerly head of IBM Watson. Involved with artificial intelligence, and natural language processing for the past 25 years.

Jerome Pesanti

The VP of product at Reddit. Created the Facebook newsfeed and Facebook AI Research Labs, founded Spell an AI startup for infrastructure.

Serkan Piantino

In conversation with Rodrigo Schmidt, Hugo Barra, and Rafael Dahis. With various real cases of AI technical implementations.